
Showing posts with label tracking trades. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tracking trades. Show all posts

27 August, 2021

STOCK PORTFOLIOS Tracking with Yahoo Finance in Excel - Part 3

After completing Excel tables (in Part 2) for tracking trades in your account, it's time for creating some summary of your Portfolio performance. For this purpose you can create another Excel Table (e.g. called "Portfolio Status") and a chart based on the table content. This will allow you to conduct a quick and easy visual evaluation of your investment positions.

Start with adding a new worksheet named e.g. "Performance". First, create the table. Here is an exemplary format and content:

As in previous tables the cells filled with green colour indicate data entry cells. The remaining cells contain formulas filled automatically after entering all necessary data. Cells in column E are conditionally formatted, so that cells showing gains are filled with yellow background.